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Combination Defense (Basketball Defense)

Learn about the Combination Defense, also known as the Junk Defense, with Steve Collins, the founder, and CEO of TeachHoops.com and host of the Basketball Coach Unplugged podcast.

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About Combination Defense (Basketball Defense)

Learn about the Combination Defense, also known as the Junk Defense, with Steve Collins, the founder, and CEO of TeachHoops.com and host of the Basketball Coach Unplugged podcast.

The Combination Defense, also known as the Junk Defense, is a defensive strategy that involves switching between various types of defenses, such as man-to-man, zone, or matchup, to confuse and disrupt the opposing team’s offense. This defense can be effective against teams with one dominant scorer, as it limits their scoring opportunities by constantly changing the defense they face.

Steve Collins is an expert on basketball coaching, and through his website and podcast, he provides coaches with valuable insights and resources to improve their coaching skills. If you are looking to learn about the Combination Defense, or any other aspect of basketball coaching, Steve Collins is an excellent resource to turn to.

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